Starnberg is a beautiful small town in the South of Germany
located 55 km south west of Munich.
Starnberg, just like Kronberg near Frankfurt
is one of the wealthiest places in Germany.
The town lies on the north end of Lake Starnberg.
It is part of the "Regierungsbezirk" Oberbayern
one of the districts of the former Kingdom of Bavaria.
Bavaria is a state of Germany
but it kept some cultural independance from the
of the Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Starnberg is the 17th largest city of Bavaria.
It's partner town in France is
The magic of Starnberg is a litlle bit connected to Sissi,
Empress of Austria and to her cousin
King Ludwig II of Bavaria

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Rent Appartments from Starnberg
Many artists like
Wassly Kandinsky,
Christian Morgenstern,
Edward Cucuel,
Johann Gottfried Steffan.
Stephany von Fuerstenberg
paint or painted around the lake of Starnberg.
Starnberg is also known for
Kupfermuseum Fischen,
Museum Kaiserin Elisabeth
Museum Lake Starnberg

Book Starnberger See by Wolfgang Till
Starnberg Souvenir and Book Shop
To find people of companies
from Starnberg
please go to
Phone Book of the World

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from all around the globe
use Visit dot com domains.
They turn into a standard
for international tourists.
This website is in an early
state of development.
If you have a beautiful project for Starnberg
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Instagram: #visitstarnberg
Youtube: #visitstarnberg

View on Starnberg, photo by
Mike McBay